Private: The Sky Is Rising 2014
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  • Private: The Sky Is Rising 2014

The Sky Is Rising 2014

Two years ago, in our first Sky is Rising report, we highlighted how we were living in a true renaissance period for content around the globe. Last year, we released the second report in the series, focusing on what was happening in six European countries and showing that the global trends stayed true within individual countries, but with some key differences.

This report is the third in the series, and it focuses on what the data says about the US specifically. Focusing on the US gives us a glimpse into what’s happening around the globe, but with the added benefit of more widely available and much more consistent measurements and data. The basic story certainly remains the same: within the US there has been an explosion in creative output over the past couple of decades. While the nature of the various industries may have changed, the simple, undeniable fact is that there is a cornucopia of amazing new content being produced, consumed, shared and monetized.

The PDF ebook edition of our report The Sky Is Rising 2014 is available at any price you choose!

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